Here’s the story of how and why we developed
this revolutionary service for tradespeople
Wondering how AppyQuote
came about?
In 2009 I was drained. My wife was annoyed and frustrated with me. I put so much effort into seeing prospective clients, but it wasn’t translating into enough work. I knew I needed help. I started looking for a communications expert who could write the right words for me. I found a professional copywriter who created a new quote template for me, supported by a bespoke sales letter that set out all the reasons why a client should use my services.
Armed with these captivating words and a simple quoting system to outline each step, I started sending out quotes with a sense of ease and excitement. Imagine my happiness as my take-up rate went up by 40% and my paperwork halved!
At that lifechanging moment, the seed for AppyQuote was planted. I dreamed of creating a professional, easy-to-use communications system to successfully take tradespeople through the process of winning work and keeping work, thus dealing with those tricky situations we all dread. Now that dream has become a reality.
Clear communication is vital to a healthy business. With emails, texts, WhatsApp, Instagram and other social media, clients expect to know what is happening in real time. AppyQuote gives you the control to do that in seconds, whilst gaining you more work and making the whole process less stressful.
As a professional tradesperson, you know each job is worth all your time and effort. But, if you don’t communicate that effectively to the client, it’s like being a car mechanic who lifts the bonnet, looks at the engine, sucks his teeth and says: “It’s gonna cost you.” Vagueness like this prompts the reaction: “What? Why? How much?”
Don’t just take our word for it:

“I’ve always won jobs by having a comprehensive, simplified quote. I think people want to know what they are spending their money on. I’ve learnt that the more you put into a quote – sanding down, priming, undercoat, two coats gloss – the more work you win. People think that, the better you write, the better your work is going to be.”
Carl Saxby, Saxby Decorating

“This System is going to save me hours on evenings and weekends. It was simple and easy to use. It was very quick to be able to compile a professional looking quotation that I could send to my client in minutes”
– Daniel Rolf @RolfDecor

“The AppyQuote system saved me loads of time when quoting on a recent project. I was able to add the specifications whilst on site. I can see the benefits of being able to create such a detailed quotation so quickly.”
– Illir Jakupi @Painter Limited.